Last night was Hertford marquee. I've noticed that the closer you get to London, the higher the chance that half the crowd will leave after watching their mates' band. Good venue though. Winterkids locked their keys in their van at the end of the night, which was very unfortunate... but no doubt divine justice for twisting the outcome of our inter-band bowling tournament earlier in the week (we won.) They kicked our arse at lazer quest though. We probably should have a darts showdown or something... all tie-breaker sport suggestions welcome... oh, and if you're reading this, get down to the boiler room in guildford tonight if you can, it will be tip top.

Enjoying a curry at The Tamarind, Leicester
Dodgeball will seperate the men from the boys.
table tenis. power. speed. and agility.
oh and i just thought id add it in, even if theres no bloggy thingaling on it yet (which i am much looking foreward to), but your boilerroom show avec le WinterKids was sick! real dancable, 2 kudos. atleast. nearly as good as the last time u played boilerroom, which is only points up due to the heroic crowd leap off stage.
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