We played an rockin' show in London on tuesday at the 'Old Blue Last' where I discovered a new energy beverage that sent me 2000 years into the future, its suitably called Rockstar. It kept me buzzing for about 24 hours at the very least so make sure those of you who are thinking of trying it, plan ahead before consuming. Also thanks to everyone who came along and cheered relentlessly between songs, it really added to the euphoria of that beverage.
Check out Adams afro here
Us looking sweaty and mean after the show
Our next gig is at Pressure Point, Brighton and will be MEGA cause we're playing with our good friends Maths Class and Heels Catch Fire, the cream of the Brighton scene yes? So get yourself down to that and then probably to Audio after for some serious dance floor action.
Now, in order to remain at the top of our game, not only do we drink rockstar, but we have to employ a vigorous rehearsal schedule which keeps us both physically fit, and musically equipped so here are some photos of us hard at it
Last week we finally got hold of promo copies of our forthcoming album "Acres Of Dead Space Cadets" and it looks a bit like this
As you can tell by our happy happy faces, we are very excited by this as it's been a LONG time coming!
Watch this space for more info on our next single and release dates etc.
Im gonna try and edit together a video of our recording sessions in kent from way back when, using the very limited footage I have on my digital camera.... Quite a challenge I think. If it's any good i'll post it here at some point.
May I also suggest y'all go and watch Sweeney Todd, you won't regret it... unless you're not a fan of throat slitting.
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